Sushi Nakazawa Details PleaseOpen at 50% capacity. Reservations required.What Our Friends Are Saying Michelin Guide: "Discover flavorful and fatty cuts of fish available here at a more palatable price point compared to many of the city’s other notable sushi counters. Chef Nakazawa’s signature style combines supremely tender fish with perfectly seasoned rice, a spark of wasabi and judicious brush of nikiri for consistently excellent results."The Infatuation: "Sushi Nakazawa might be the most “New York” sushi restaurant in town. Clearly a high end Japanese experience isn’t unique to this city, but one run by a semi-famous sushi chef from a hit documentary probably is. Especially when you consider that this place looks less like a Japanese dining establishment and more like someone put a sushi counter inside of an Hermès store."
4.6 stars out of 5 stars
23 Commerce Street West Village, 10014
(212) 924-2212 Categories: Sushi, Price Range: $$$$
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Wanna make a bet? We bet you that you can eat 21 courses at Sushi Nakazawa and still want dessert. Omakase at Sushi Nakazawa isn’t just a night out in the city, it’s an experience that could (and maybe should) be curated for a museum, mostly due to the talent of Chef Daisuke Nakazawa and a menu that’s dictated by the availability of fresh fish both locally and internationally.

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  • Treat Yourself

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