Vestry What Our Friends Are SayingEater: "Shaun Hergatt — the fine dining chef whose previous NYC restaurants SHO and Juni both earned Michelin stars — is returning to NYC tonight with Vestry, a new vegetable and seafood focused restaurant located within the Dominick Hotel, in Soho. Located at 246 Spring Street, near Varick Street, Vestry will initially debut with 30 seats indoors due to the city’s 25 percent capacity limit on indoor dining, and an additional 40 seats outside. The menu has Japanese influences and includes a mix of small plates and main course items with dishes like sushi rice served with fish and a cured egg yolk ($22), tuna served over a fish-shaped potato crisp with tarragon ($12), and a chocolate passionfruit dessert ($15), among various other entries."Vogue: "Vestry’s menu focuses on small plates of local, hyper seasonal vegetables and seafood. In the fall, chef Shaun Hergatt served up black sea bream, red beets with preserved plum, and nashi pear. Come spring, he switched to green asparagus soup and cod with preserved citrus. “This menu exudes elegance and the ethos continues to be a marriage of Asian ingredients with classic French technique,” noted Michelin."
4.1 stars out of 5 stars
246 Spring Street Soho, 10013
(212) 784-1350 Categories: Asian Fusion, Price Range: $$$$
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Located inside the Dominick Hotel is a new restaurant named Vestry. Described as "American food with Japanese accents" the menu is focused mainly on seafood and veggies. With incredible food by the award winning chef Shaun Hergatt and beautiful modern industrial decor, dining here is nothing short of an absolute treat.

Good For

  • Special Occasion
  • Michelin Star

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